Tuesday, June 7, 2011

School Starts! Day 3,4, and 5

Classes: So on Tuesday June 1st we began our classes...(not just a pleasure jaunt!) Joy of Joy's my first class is at 8:30 am and the only thing that makes this okay is that it is Storytelling! We have a full class of 21 tellers and by the time we are done we will have heard over 100 traditional Irish stories! All of my fellow students are great and seem to be willing to try and already are brilliant at the bits of storytelling we have begun. This class will be fun and Liz' energy is better than a cup of coffee! We begin by learning a story fast which is a great technique to break the ice for a bunch of new storytellers. It shows them that a story can be learned quickly without memorizing it word for word. Everyone does really well and it bodes well for the rest of the class.

I have my next class back to back and it is the Irish Religions class which is filling the geek need in me to learn cool stuff. Dr. Vaughan  (Barry) is our instructor and he begins by giving us an overview of common terms in Religious Studies and then starts us in the Neolithic Period in Ireland! So Cool! Barry's energy level is different than Liz. She radiates...he is like the energizer bunny...he never stops! This class has about 12 students and it is great that we get to spend so much time asking geeky questions.

Dr. Barry Vaughan..in lecture mode
Roommates: I am living with 2 great roommates. Alison and Cyndi. Both like me are non-traditional students (ie: we are all older than 25!) Alison and I live upstairs and share a bathroom and Cyndi lives downstairs and has her own. We eat together occasionally and hangout when we can as we are all very busy. The flat has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a common area with a kitchen. We have the best view out of our common area into a horse field that is just stunning. Hard to tear ourselves away when it is time to get something else done.

View from our window...yep, you know you are jealous!

Next Post...Loughcrew and stories about the "Hag".

1 comment:

  1. Laura, it all sounds great. Busy schedule. I don't think I can even pronounce the names of the stories let alone learn them all. Great view from the flat.
