Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Story Heaven and Off to Galway!

Day 12  - Pat "the Hat" Speight tells stories and we all go to Galway. On Thursday we had an extraordinary day of listening to amazing stories from Pat Speight. Coming on top of an already amazing evening Tuesday and all the great stories being told in class,  I am filled with wonderful swirling images, words, techniques and happiness to be in the middle of so much story! Pat is an amazing teller filled with so much energy and he has a deceptively casual style that invites you in as he amazes and engages the audience. He does tricks like magic that fascinated our class as much as they would a group of primary students. He told new stories I have never heard and told great versions of stories that I have...he was a Master of his craft and it was a privilege to share this time with him.

After Barry's class we go scurry back to the apartment to pack as we are leaving for Galway at 3:30 where we will be staying for several days. Hostel living is a new experience for me but after a few questions I am ready for the adventure!

We get on the bus for about an hour's ride and get to the Hostel (Barnacles) about 5pm. I elect and I am accepted to stay in a room with 7 other women...all under the age of 21! Fun but exhausting..the Hostel is in a section of Galway that is like a combination of the French Quarter in New Orleans and maybe Mill avenue after a football game. Loud and Filled with people. Our windows face the street so the crowd noise is definitely present. The Hostel room is ensuite which means we 8 girls have our own shared bathroom. We work out who is a morning shower person and who is a night shower person. I head out on my own to do some shopping and have dinner at a lovely winebar called Druid Lane. Fish and Chips and some hot tea...just the thing!

Cruise or Ferry? In Galway Bay
Our Hostel Room
Some of you know the story and know why this reminds me of Dad!

Back to the Hostel where I read until I go to bed to the sounds of the crowds down below which begins to sound like white noise. Most of the girls come back in before 12 so we get a pretty good nights sleep.

Next: Cliffs of Moher and Alwee Caves

1 comment:

  1. Ah hostel life. Just wait till you have a "mixed dorm room".
