Saturday, June 25, 2011

Bleck in Ireland

Day 15 & 16 - Wiped out and the beginning of the "Sick Week"  - Galway was exhausting! On Sunday morning we pack up the hostel and get on the bus for the ride back to Athlone. Everyone is wiped out so the bus ride home is pretty quiet. When I arrive back to apartment it is definitely quiet time and homework.

Monday morning rolls around and I am definitely not feeling well. Considering all the rain I am pleased that I haven't been burdened with the usual low pressure headaches here. Not today! Migraine city and tummy troubles so I email my teachers and stay home in bed. I only leave to make a quick trip to the pharmacy (called the chemist) to find drugs and get a coke.

Need to feel better soon cause this is a busy week! Posting some random pretty pictures to make the blog worth the while!

On the way to the Cliffs of pretty!
Every field has it's own shade of green.
View from the hill at the Alwee Caves
Next: All Stories, all the time!

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