Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 13 - Off to the Cliffs of Moher! On Friday morning I am awakened not only by the first early light streaming through the window of the hostel but also the sounds of the Seagulls as they shriek through the morning...better than a rooster I am telling you! Also equally loud is the sounds of the street cleaning going on down below. In the mornings all the patio seating is removed and the pedestrian only street becomes a thorough-fare for street cleaners, recyclers and beer delivery types. (I am almost sure other food and beverage is delivered but truly the number of kegs being rolled down the road is quite amazing!).

We are off on an excursion down the coast to the Burrens a geologically interesting area filled with limestone formations that were scraped clean in the last ice age and so are filled with unique flora and fauna.  The term Burren is derived from the Gaelic for "stony place".

We have an interesting bus driver, Des, an older gentleman whose storytelling skills and bus driving are suspect. He is very nice but about 1/2 of what comes out of his mouth is incorrect and in the course of the day we take out a side mirror of someone's parked car and he doesn't blink an eye at the occurrence. He stops at a pull out so we can go and take our first real look at where the Burrens meet the Atlantic a truly stunning vista and it is difficult to get back into the bus.

Crevices in the limestone
Flowers in the crevices
Just the beginning of beauty..
Wait..not me...(the beauty part!)
Love this guy! Stripes!
 So finally we get back into the bus and head off to lunch. Lunch is fun in a pub with decent food and we each get to choose our own meals unlike other expeditions where the menu is limited. The seafood chowder is good and I enjoy the tea and a chance to chat with Liz. Outside the pub is a really amazing array of signs that is fairly common in Ireland...hard to get lost!

Lost? onto the Cliffs of Moher. Another hour in the bus and we reach the cliffs. There is an extensive gift shop and visitor center but I ignore it to get off to the cliffs. You can choose to go right or left. Right offers a longer trail and a viewing tower so I go there first. I could try to explain how pretty it is but I think will let the pictures show you instead.

Turquoise and Malachite
Watch Tower
 Got to the end of that trail after about 30 minutes and had time to turn around and hike in the other direction. The views are still pretty but not as dramatic...

Lots of warnings about the dangers of the cliffs...also lots of signs that talk about Suicide Prevention.

Hiking along by myself gives me alot of time to consider stories and where I am in the process of learning new stories as well as looking at the older Irish material to see how being immersed in the culture and landscape is bringing new dimension to them. I am also a bit melancholy which leads me to make up a slightly sad ghost story about the Cliffs of Moher. 

After getting to the other side I start back to the Visitor Center to do some shopping. I find some fun gifts for...nope not spilling! But I am pleased with my finds and head back to the bus where after a short time the rest of the students arrive and we are on to Aillwee Cave

Another nice visitor center and gift shop...more shopping yea! I like caves alot...but I have decided seeing a cave with a large group of now unruly SAI students is not the way I want to see any cave. And this one is sort of a disappointment. Not enough science/history for me, the geek that I am! 

We get back in the bus and make another stop for vista pictures and head back to Galway. Long day and I am truly ready for food, shower, and bed. But the girls all go out to find the good Craic and I am left alone...gee what a hardship!

Next: Aran Islands and Inis Mor!

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