Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dunamase Castle in the distance
My fellow students looking at the ruins
Arrow slit used for defense during attack or attempted seige

Me...windblown and loving every moment!

Day 3 - Tour of Dunamase Castle and Emo Court

We gathered for the bus at 10:30 on Monday morning. Tom our bus driver is quite skilled and managed to get our bus through some really tight spots the whole day. It is an hour and 1/2 to Dunamase and of course we had to pass through all the amazing and green country. Chance of heavy showers so we all have our rain gear..or at least most of us do.

Finally in the distance we see the ruins of Dunamase. A castle/fort in a superior strategic area on a hill that was never defeated until Cromwell came along with his artillery. The view from the top is spectacular and with the wind quite literally breathtaking. We all have time to run around like mad to take great pictures of the landscape, castle and of one another. Then Barry gathers us in the center of the structure and we get a great history lesson. Barry is a good lecturer/storyteller and uses amazing energy and passion to engage his audience. After the lecture we wander back down to the bus and off to Emo Court.

Emo Court which keeps reminding me of my grade school Kenilworth   

Emo Court...big old mansion lots of history, some interesting architecture...yep. Not my thing..not the period of history that I am interested in and so...I will say that the guide was great, we had a tasty lunch and then they let us go off into the "park" area. This is my thing..frankly we can't spend enough time outside!

One of the previous owners of Emo Court planted a tree garden including Sequoias' in the main drive. It is really beautiful, taken care of but not too manicured. A great walking and jogging path so I took advantage and had my first run since before March when I started getting sick and time stressed. Not too bad! Hoping to really improve the running while I am here.

Must find a plant/tree book...but isn't it beautiful?

After my run/walk I returned to the bus and found the bus driver and one of my roommates (Cyndi) waiting inside talking to the most charming elderly gentleman. Peter is 86 years young and didn't marry till he was 54. He told us the tale of his courtship and proposal and that perhaps he was so happy because he waited so long!

Soon the rest of my fellow students and the instructors returned and we were off back to Athlone. After we got back I got in to use the computer lab and then had dinner. Off to bed because day 3 was done!

Next Post - Day 4: First day of class 

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