Sunday, June 12, 2011

Good Craic in Galway!

Day 10 & 11, - Class and a quick trip to Galway. Liz Warren my storytelling instructor and mentor has invited me to go to Galway with her to see Story Night which is both the 5th birthday and the last time Clare Murphy will be in charge and hosting this extraordinary group. We stop on the way and transfer to Danielle Allison's car for the trip. It is a nice drive although a little damp as it is...yes...raining!

But it begins to clear as we get to Galway and after a bit of circling through the center of town trying to find our location we spot a likely parking spot and find the Blue Teapot, a lovely little theater. Clare who is this incredibly beautiful woman in a stunning dress and gorgeous coral scarf directs us to Kava a tappas restaurant with fab food and we enjoy a nice dinner. (Thanks Liz!) We arrive back at the theater just in time and it is packed with an amazing dynamic group of young adults. The vibe is very bohemian and the colors, fabrics, styles and energy is just really cool. Clare told amazing stories and was followed by equally talented tellers. I wish we could have stayed for the whole thing but as we found out it later, it ran until 11:30 and the after party went till 2am.

Long drive back to Galway, enlivened by a gentleman that we took home from the event. He has some experience through his family with hands on healing and was telling us about the culture that surrounds the practice.Very interesting and surreal as well.

It was a really great night and there was definitely good Craic. This is an Irish expression that means good fun, music, entertainment, company, drinking etc...It is pronounced "crack". You can imagine how that could get you in trouble in the states!

On Wednesday I tell a short tale in class abut a short tail. My mother tells this story and it made me think of her and I knew the class would get a kick out of it. It is about a shepherd who loses a sheep in the bog and can only reach the creature to pull it out by it's tail. Sadly the shepherd pulls the tail off the sheep and now his tail is short and so is mine!

No pictures to go with this needed a charge.

Next: Pat the Hat and more Craic in Galway!

1 comment:

  1. Great posts, Laura! I see you have been introduced to an Irish breakfast which is much like a "proper" English breakfast. I still have to remind myself about the bacon. . .I keep seeing "stripey" bacon in my head, and have to remember. Sounds lime a wonderful time!
