Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dash to Dublin

Day 9 - Trip to Dublin. Yea! The word has come down that we are taking an official trip to Dublin. So we meet in the parking lot at 9am to take a bus/charter to the train station. Almost everyone is going, a few folks spent the free weekend in Dublin and they will meet us there. After a pretty train ride we exit the train and begin the walk to Dublin.

Have I mentioned that Barry walks like he is running a Marathon..ALL THE TIME! When he described the journey from the station to the museum I anticipated a mile/mile and a half. Probably closer to 3.5 miles! Walked very quickly! I was pleased that I am in good enough shape that I could keep up with him..paid for it later however..(you will have to wait for that part)

The River Liffey in Dublin


You can see by the sky that it was threatening to rain most of the day, but fortunately we only had a few sprinkles.

So when we arrived to the is closed because of the Bank Holiday! All are disappointed and I feel bad for Dr. Vaughan. He is like a balloon that has had all of the air taken out of it! Still we are in Dublin and so are an extra 40000+ women for a mini marathon that is run for all kinds of charities. Very crowded...we are dismissed to our own adventures for the rest of the day and I head for lunch. Now don't tell anyone but I am hungry, and tired so I go to McDonalds...YES I KNOW. Bad Laura...don't care! I meet a lovely gentleman and we have a nice lunch talking about Arizona and the mini-marathon.

When I get up I realize that it was a mistake to go from really a slow jog for 3.5 miles to a cold stop with no stretching. Not only am I really stiff, my on-going blisters are screaming at me. Still I hobble along to Trinity College and catch the Book of Kells display.

Entry into Trinity College

The campus is beautiful and the Book of Kells display is really great. However it is the long room (library) that I find the most fascinating. Filled with research, displays, old manuscripts and the smell of old leather. I wished I could have a couple of days in the room to myself with ability to pull down any book or manuscript that caught my attention.

Now with my feet screaming at me I decide to head back to Heuston station (train) as we are free to return anytime we like. I am not shooting for any particular time of departure just concentrating on making it back. I consider a taxi but think...I can walk a bit further..I'll catch the next taxi stand. Except there aren't any other stands..the whole way! I am meandering..when I hear a voice.."If you walk at that pace, we will miss the train!" No...I think to myself...I look up and is Barry! So we are off to the races again and I complete the rest of the journey at the rapid pace of the the "mad man" and we manage to catch the train and get seats.

I have decided that I must see Dublin with my sister Jennifer who loves the city. For me, too many people, and not my favorite spot. Still...I am in Ireland!

Next: On to Galway for good Craic!

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