Thursday, June 26, 2014

To Cornwall We Go..and get a surprise on the way


So we get up with an anticipated departure time of 10:30am. Since my brother-in-law is in charge of getting us sorted and out the door...we leave pretty much exactly at 10:30. Jennifer has to work so it is just Marty, the girls and I. She will journey down by train on Friday.

The trip is pretty standard with decent motorways mixed with strange little roads that barely fit a car each way let alone a truck or a bus. We are on the A303 and some of you will already know what happens next. We begin to see lots of signs saying to be prepared for back up (actually it talks about the queue but I am translating!) as there will be alot of traffic on June 20, and 21 for Stonehenge. I wonder out loud which way Stonehenge I can sort of wave to the exit as we drive by...when Marty says "Wait...that's that it?" I look and I can't believe it. It is Stonehenge just a cross a field...totally recognizable and remarkably close to the roadway. I didn't get a picture but we all squealed and clapped.

After a 5ish hour journey we finally achieved our destination. (I will tell you more in a later post about the incredibly bad Cornwall mini-paths they call roads.)

We arrived to our adorable beach house!

Off one of the cliffs near our beach house

Path to the beach
More beach path
Finally time to dip my toes!
Isn't it beautiful? I wish the pictures more clearly showed how pretty the water is here. Because this bay is so shallow the water is that beautiful green/teal, shades towards sky blue and then deep sapphire.
The tides run strong. I have never been on a beach where low tide recedes so dramatically..requires quite a bit of walking to get to the water when the tide is out.

The first night we were there we unpacked, and settled the house. We of course watched more of the World Cup. The next morning (Friday) we were up and off to the beach. We got a great spot with some shade from the cliffs to keep our fair skin from frying. The sun is pretty bright here at this Parallel and you have to be careful. We are camped out next to a very interesting family of Sand builders. They make a fantastic Couch/Bench of sand which they use for the rest of the week. Sadly I never got a great picture of the couch. However I will have pics of the rest of their work in later posts.

Jen safely arrived and we caught her up on our time so far.

Next: A Story Interlude then a Trip to Tintagel

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