Monday, June 16, 2014

British Airways Fail

June 11, 2014

I was excited when I got dropped off at the Airport. My friend Terri dropped me about 5:45 pm for an 8:20 pm flight. I had an easy check in and flew through security. I was at the gate by 6 pm. I settled back and started reading my Kindle. By 7 pm the gate area was filling up. Fascinating to watch the truly international group that was gathering and loads of children running up and down.

7:30 pm rolls around and a mutter begins to roll through the crowd. No announcements have come over the PA to indicate that pre-boarding is in the 7:45 we are all looking daggers at the British Airways counter. Finally at almost 8 pm an announcement is made that there is a "small" mechanical problem and it should only take another 30 minutes or so to fix. 30 minutes later and it is another announcement with another 30 minute delay. At 9:15 I call Mom and tell her to email Jennifer about watching this flight carefully cause I don't know what time we are going to take off.

Finally about 10pm the Captain (pilot) comes over the PA and tells us that it is a problem with the Elevator Control which helps keep the plane level. Obviously this is something that needs to work on an almost 10 hour flight and for us to please be patient. 10:45..there is a part that needs to make it's way to Phoenix. There maybe something at LAX but there is red tape. In the meantime He will have his crew bring out snacks and drinks for us at the Gate since many of the eateries are closing down in this part of the terminal.

By this time the passengers have begun making friendships and alliances. Rumors, stories of other such flight difficulties, worries about connecting flights, tours and cruises that begin in a tight schedule...all swirl around for my listening pleasure. I have called Mom again to let her know there is a real possibility of the flight being cancelled for the night. We decide that I will take a cab home if that happens.

Captain comes on again about 11:10 and lets us know that the drama continues with the part needed to fix the airplane and in the meantime he will have the crew distribute the breakfast boxes to the waiting passengers...well as soon as that happened I knew we were doomed. If we are eating breakfast..then what will the serve tomorrow?

Indeed at about 11:35 the Captain calls the flight and tells us that we will try again tomorrow. He guesses 1130 am but turns over the PA so that we can get the rebooking details from the usual BA counter folks. She comes on and announces that we will have to go get our bags, and that we can get a voucher for a hotel with food vouchers or we can go home. "keep checking the will have all the details...and we will check in again in the morning." As we are leaving she let's us know it has been decided that the flight will be at 12pm.

It took about 30 minutes to get my bag. That is one huge flight! Endless numbers of bags...more friendships or at least snarky commentating and rolled eyeballs for one another as we are all in the same boat. I go catch a least I can sleep in my own bed and maybe have a Skype with my sister to tell her all the drama.

Home, rest, scurry back to the airport. During my Skype session my youngest niece Rhiannon informs me that now I will be flying on Friday the 13th!

Remember, BA has one flight in to London Heathrow and one flight out each day. These happen in the late afternoon/ there is very little in the way of personnel for check in during the day. I was at the check in counter for almost 2 hours as they re-checked everyone in. The new flight time was scheduled for 2:00pm and they also handed us food voucher. Security was also really finally about 12:30 I stumble into Cowboy Ciao. Best steak I have eaten in along time. Good company I have run into a couple who are part of my new airport friends.

We joke about how as a storyteller this makes a great story..even as it is frustrating. Then the woman asks me if I know Elly Reidy. "Of course I know Elly, the storytelling community in the Phoenix area is pretty small..." but I am happy I don't have to explain the nature of storytelling.

At 1:30 they announce that we are now waiting for the BA plane for that is coming from London. Our plane is taking longer to fix than anticipated so we are going to steal today's plane for yesterday's flight. Today's passengers are screwed!

Eventually we get on the plane...all of us fast friends. We have a smooth flight....UNTIL we are landing. The flight stewards have gone to their landing positions...when an alarm and announcement come over the plane PA system.."Attention, Attention! Place the oxygen masks over your mouth immediately..Attention! Attention, do not panic, there has been a loss of pressure in the cabin..!

The stewards come running through the cabin to assure us that we are fine. (we were only at about 2300ft elevation when this occurred) The Captain came on as well. At this point we were all laughing like loons...the last beautiful straw!

So I am here...I have recovered from Jet Lag and 2 long days at the Airport. Next post will be about the World Cup and a beautiful day at the park!

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