Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A New Travel and Story Chapter

Today I am re-activating my blog to document my travels to England.

Last December my sister packed up her family, (brother-in-law, 2 nieces aged 15 and 11, and 2 dogs) and moved to England, near Reading to start a new job. Jennifer (my sister) has always been a traveler and an opportunity to live over seas is one she just couldn't pass up.

So tomorrow it is my turn to fly over and visit. I will be there for a little more than two weeks and I know that there will be great adventures. We plan to site-see around London, go the Harry Potter Studios, and then the final week we are off to Cornwall and a house on the beach.

I will be searching for good sources of folktales, myths and legends of course! So stay tuned!

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