Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Beautiful Gardens - The Saville Gardens

June 15, 2014
Rhiannon in front of the "Jack in the beanstalk" plant

Incredible. Peaceful. Lovely. Grand....I really enjoyed the Saville Gardens. My sister had to work so Marty the girls and I loaded up the car and took a pretty short car ride. This wonderful place is only about 15 minutes from there home..if I lived here I would get a membership, become a volunteer...etc. This is part the Royal Windsor Grounds that have been given over to Public use.

Aren't they pretty? Rhiannon, Marty and Taylor Lepird

Communing with trees as I do

Such beautiful scenery and large enough that it could hold a great many people and still remain peaceful. This was one of my mom's favorite places when she was here last month. Marty tells me much of the color that was present for the Spring blooming is gone but he was still impressed by the greenery.


I loved the Rose gardens and identifying so many of the plants. People are often surprised both in my interest and my ability to identify plants and trees. I get that from my parents who were always pointing these things out to me. I guess it kinda stuck.

We enjoyed a really peaceful day here and the girls, especially Taylor was surprised how much they liked it. (Maybe she will continue my identifying ways...or maybe not..)

Next: Harry Potter!!!!

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