Thursday, June 26, 2014

Tintagel - The Home of Arthur


We need a break from the beach so we are off to Tintagel the legendary birth place of King Arthur. We crowded into the car..Jen and the girls in back and me and Marty up front. First I need to tell you that Marty is a driving genius. Some of the roads that the evil GPS unit took us through are truly difficult to describe. Not sure that the pictures will do it justice but you can see the narrow road which requires oncoming traffic to an Old West Stand-Off. Someone has to back up to the slightly wider but will still scrape your paint off spot on the road.

We survived...although the family decided I owed them ice cream for getting them into this crazy historical business.

We finally reached Tintagel and after walking a long path to get there and a lot of steps...seriously the steps will be mentioned alot in this blog cause they are a killer.

The castle was built on the ruins of an even older castle. These ruins are primarily from Richard, The Earl of Cornwall's castle built in the the 1200's. Other ruins have been dated from the 600's.

At low tide you can walk out to the site of what is called Merlin's Cave. Unfortunately the tide timing was off on the day we were there so no walk for us.

Merlin's Cave

Did I mention the stairs yet?

My beautiful sister and brilliant brother in law.

We finished our day with Ice Cream..cause well I did promise.

Next: More Beach!

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