Thursday, June 26, 2014

Tintagel - The Home of Arthur


We need a break from the beach so we are off to Tintagel the legendary birth place of King Arthur. We crowded into the car..Jen and the girls in back and me and Marty up front. First I need to tell you that Marty is a driving genius. Some of the roads that the evil GPS unit took us through are truly difficult to describe. Not sure that the pictures will do it justice but you can see the narrow road which requires oncoming traffic to an Old West Stand-Off. Someone has to back up to the slightly wider but will still scrape your paint off spot on the road.

We survived...although the family decided I owed them ice cream for getting them into this crazy historical business.

We finally reached Tintagel and after walking a long path to get there and a lot of steps...seriously the steps will be mentioned alot in this blog cause they are a killer.

The castle was built on the ruins of an even older castle. These ruins are primarily from Richard, The Earl of Cornwall's castle built in the the 1200's. Other ruins have been dated from the 600's.

At low tide you can walk out to the site of what is called Merlin's Cave. Unfortunately the tide timing was off on the day we were there so no walk for us.

Merlin's Cave

Did I mention the stairs yet?

My beautiful sister and brilliant brother in law.

We finished our day with Ice Cream..cause well I did promise.

Next: More Beach!

Story Interlude: Rosie the Cow

When I was looking at stories from the Cornwall region, I loved this story.

Rosie is beautiful Red and White cow. Beautiful eyelashes, big brown eyes, brimming with health and good fortune. Not only was Rosie beautiful, but because she was so lovely her entire farm was blessed. All the other farm animals were the best they could be, the crops were plentiful and the Farmer and his wife were prosperous.

However she did have a bit of quirk. Rosie happily gave up her milk each day, but would not let down the last and often best creamy bits at the end. Whenever someone would try to force the last drops of milk, she would kick over the pail and run off. She would sulk for days before she let someone else get close enough to milk.

One day the milk maid was late getting back to the farm and so late to milk Rosie and feed Rosie's new calf. As she was finishing she heard a strange noise and looked back to see some of the Small Folk (fairies) tickling Rosie and feeding her special herbs. In return she was giving up the last few bits of creaminess. The Small Folk were gathering it up in leaves and flower cups or just laying beneath Rosie and opening their mouths.

Well the Milk Maid told the Farmers Wife and she was determined that no Small Folk would have the milk she thought of as hers. So the next day she went off and found the rare herbs and tried to feed them to Rosie, then she tried to tickle the cow...but Rosie was having none of it. She pushed away from the Farmwife and ran off.

Rosie and her calf became wild. Refusing to be caught they began to get quite thin and scraggly. As their health deteriorated so too did the farm. The chickens wouldn't lay, the horses wouldn't pull, the crops began to fail and the once prosperous farm was no longer prosperous.

Even now, the people say that farm is no good. So be careful to always honor your magic cow or at the very least don't take milk from the Small Folk...

Next Story Interlude: Mother Ivey

To Cornwall We Go..and get a surprise on the way


So we get up with an anticipated departure time of 10:30am. Since my brother-in-law is in charge of getting us sorted and out the door...we leave pretty much exactly at 10:30. Jennifer has to work so it is just Marty, the girls and I. She will journey down by train on Friday.

The trip is pretty standard with decent motorways mixed with strange little roads that barely fit a car each way let alone a truck or a bus. We are on the A303 and some of you will already know what happens next. We begin to see lots of signs saying to be prepared for back up (actually it talks about the queue but I am translating!) as there will be alot of traffic on June 20, and 21 for Stonehenge. I wonder out loud which way Stonehenge I can sort of wave to the exit as we drive by...when Marty says "Wait...that's that it?" I look and I can't believe it. It is Stonehenge just a cross a field...totally recognizable and remarkably close to the roadway. I didn't get a picture but we all squealed and clapped.

After a 5ish hour journey we finally achieved our destination. (I will tell you more in a later post about the incredibly bad Cornwall mini-paths they call roads.)

We arrived to our adorable beach house!

Off one of the cliffs near our beach house

Path to the beach
More beach path
Finally time to dip my toes!
Isn't it beautiful? I wish the pictures more clearly showed how pretty the water is here. Because this bay is so shallow the water is that beautiful green/teal, shades towards sky blue and then deep sapphire.
The tides run strong. I have never been on a beach where low tide recedes so dramatically..requires quite a bit of walking to get to the water when the tide is out.

The first night we were there we unpacked, and settled the house. We of course watched more of the World Cup. The next morning (Friday) we were up and off to the beach. We got a great spot with some shade from the cliffs to keep our fair skin from frying. The sun is pretty bright here at this Parallel and you have to be careful. We are camped out next to a very interesting family of Sand builders. They make a fantastic Couch/Bench of sand which they use for the rest of the week. Sadly I never got a great picture of the couch. However I will have pics of the rest of their work in later posts.

Jen safely arrived and we caught her up on our time so far.

Next: A Story Interlude then a Trip to Tintagel

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Harry Potter/Warner Brothers Studio Tour


On Tuesday, we had pre-purchased tickets for a 4pm tour of Harry Potter. So earlier in the day Marty took me to a Farmer's Market/Nursery because it was on my list of things I wanted to see. Nice place and I really appreciated the fact that anything that wasn't local was clearly labeled as to where it came from and was it fair trade/organic/etc. The nursery was fun as well..lots of typical "English" flowers and herbs but also more exotic items like...wait for it....OLEANDER!!!!! Marty and I both laughed and swore we would come back with warning signs to post about Oleander and how it like bamboo. Once planted very difficult to deal with and hard to remove.

In the early afternoon we were off to the Studios. Just Marty, Taylor, Rhiannon and I as Jennifer had to work. The trip was about 45 minutes and the lot was very organized. We got our tickets printed from one of the kiosks and away we went. Although it is not high season, it was plenty crowded. We got into the "queue" and began to wind around and around. Plenty to keep us entertained.

Harry's cupboard under the stairs

Once we were into the tour, there was a brief over view of the history of Harry Potter then we were into a large movie theater. Another film clip then the .... well you might someday get there so I won't reveal the big surprise. Suffice it to say that you get to a big door and enter the great hall.

Fireplace from the Great Hall

Then a great tragedy camera was out of juice! Fortunately Taylor loaned me her phone for pictures but I haven't yet had time to get her to download them so I could use them for this post. I promise that I will have more pictures later on to show you.

The whole tour is mostly self-guided and it includes lots of amazing original sets and props with incredible detail. Did you know that many of the oil portraits are actual pictures of the crew members? Or that every one of them was created by hand for the films? It boggles my mind. 

I took the chance to take a virtual broom ride and got a great picture that I have to figure out how to post..either I will scan it or take a picture of it. 

Midway through the tour there is a spot to get a bite to eat and to enjoy some butter beer. Only London and the attraction in Florida offers this treat. I think I know how to replicate it...I will be working on that when I return. If successful I shall share my recipe. The liquid is definitely some form of a cream is the head or the froth that makes it so yummy. Real cream just whipped to very soft peaks and butterscotch flavor added to it.

After our break it was time for the animation/tronic section. Really interesting to see the pieces and some of the molds used to bring some of the characters to life. 

The most amazing part of the tour is the large scale model of  Hogwarts. I can't wait to show you a few of those pictures because it is definitely very special.

The last bit includes WAY too much shopping at the very nice and strategically placed gift shop. Filled with every flavor of bean, House paraphernalia, time turner, quiditch balls, and books that you could wish was glorious and now I am much poorer!

(Sorry, as I publish this I see that the format has gone wonky...not sure how yet it will be fixed but I am working on it!!)


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Beautiful Gardens - The Saville Gardens

June 15, 2014
Rhiannon in front of the "Jack in the beanstalk" plant

Incredible. Peaceful. Lovely. Grand....I really enjoyed the Saville Gardens. My sister had to work so Marty the girls and I loaded up the car and took a pretty short car ride. This wonderful place is only about 15 minutes from there home..if I lived here I would get a membership, become a volunteer...etc. This is part the Royal Windsor Grounds that have been given over to Public use.

Aren't they pretty? Rhiannon, Marty and Taylor Lepird

Communing with trees as I do

Such beautiful scenery and large enough that it could hold a great many people and still remain peaceful. This was one of my mom's favorite places when she was here last month. Marty tells me much of the color that was present for the Spring blooming is gone but he was still impressed by the greenery.


I loved the Rose gardens and identifying so many of the plants. People are often surprised both in my interest and my ability to identify plants and trees. I get that from my parents who were always pointing these things out to me. I guess it kinda stuck.

We enjoyed a really peaceful day here and the girls, especially Taylor was surprised how much they liked it. (Maybe she will continue my identifying ways...or maybe not..)

Next: Harry Potter!!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Story Interlude - St. Agnes and the Giant

Cornwall has many legends/myths/folktales that I am enjoying reading and  maybe adding to my repertoire. One of the tales I am having fun with is St. Agnes and the Giant. Bolster day in Cornwall celebrates this story where the Giant Bolster (apparently Cornwall has a Giant problem) has been eating children and other random people and sheep! Several Knights challenge Bolster to combat but he defeats them and then finally Agnes tells him she will become his wife if he does one tiny little favor. He is to fill a hole with his blood to prove his worthiness.

Bolster thinks, "No problem..I am after all a Giant."

So he lays down by the hole and slices open his arm. What he doesn't know is that St. Agnes has chosen a hole on the cliff that opens up into the eventually Bolster closes his eyes never to wake again.

I have been talking about this story to family and friends and without an exception they all feel bad for the Giant!

Next Story Interlude: Rosie the Cow

World Cup and a Jaunt to the Park

My beautiful girls...Taylor and Rhiannon

I felt so much better by Sunday, the 15th. Jet lag had receded and my sister said that I looked like I had some fight in me. We went off to one of the lovely parks that are near my sister's house. Rhiannon is very interested in the World Cup so we were were holding our own tournament. As the Lepird family played I took a walk around the perimeter of the park. So pretty with the green...

I love shots through the trees to see the green light

Me and my Sister

We are watching a lot of World Cup. My brother-in-law swears he won't come home a football (soccer) fan..but I am not sure. It is easy to get hooked with all the international play. The scheme is to get him hooked into the Rugby scene as he has expressed some interested.

Next up the Savil Gardens!

Monday, June 16, 2014

British Airways Fail

June 11, 2014

I was excited when I got dropped off at the Airport. My friend Terri dropped me about 5:45 pm for an 8:20 pm flight. I had an easy check in and flew through security. I was at the gate by 6 pm. I settled back and started reading my Kindle. By 7 pm the gate area was filling up. Fascinating to watch the truly international group that was gathering and loads of children running up and down.

7:30 pm rolls around and a mutter begins to roll through the crowd. No announcements have come over the PA to indicate that pre-boarding is in the 7:45 we are all looking daggers at the British Airways counter. Finally at almost 8 pm an announcement is made that there is a "small" mechanical problem and it should only take another 30 minutes or so to fix. 30 minutes later and it is another announcement with another 30 minute delay. At 9:15 I call Mom and tell her to email Jennifer about watching this flight carefully cause I don't know what time we are going to take off.

Finally about 10pm the Captain (pilot) comes over the PA and tells us that it is a problem with the Elevator Control which helps keep the plane level. Obviously this is something that needs to work on an almost 10 hour flight and for us to please be patient. 10:45..there is a part that needs to make it's way to Phoenix. There maybe something at LAX but there is red tape. In the meantime He will have his crew bring out snacks and drinks for us at the Gate since many of the eateries are closing down in this part of the terminal.

By this time the passengers have begun making friendships and alliances. Rumors, stories of other such flight difficulties, worries about connecting flights, tours and cruises that begin in a tight schedule...all swirl around for my listening pleasure. I have called Mom again to let her know there is a real possibility of the flight being cancelled for the night. We decide that I will take a cab home if that happens.

Captain comes on again about 11:10 and lets us know that the drama continues with the part needed to fix the airplane and in the meantime he will have the crew distribute the breakfast boxes to the waiting passengers...well as soon as that happened I knew we were doomed. If we are eating breakfast..then what will the serve tomorrow?

Indeed at about 11:35 the Captain calls the flight and tells us that we will try again tomorrow. He guesses 1130 am but turns over the PA so that we can get the rebooking details from the usual BA counter folks. She comes on and announces that we will have to go get our bags, and that we can get a voucher for a hotel with food vouchers or we can go home. "keep checking the will have all the details...and we will check in again in the morning." As we are leaving she let's us know it has been decided that the flight will be at 12pm.

It took about 30 minutes to get my bag. That is one huge flight! Endless numbers of bags...more friendships or at least snarky commentating and rolled eyeballs for one another as we are all in the same boat. I go catch a least I can sleep in my own bed and maybe have a Skype with my sister to tell her all the drama.

Home, rest, scurry back to the airport. During my Skype session my youngest niece Rhiannon informs me that now I will be flying on Friday the 13th!

Remember, BA has one flight in to London Heathrow and one flight out each day. These happen in the late afternoon/ there is very little in the way of personnel for check in during the day. I was at the check in counter for almost 2 hours as they re-checked everyone in. The new flight time was scheduled for 2:00pm and they also handed us food voucher. Security was also really finally about 12:30 I stumble into Cowboy Ciao. Best steak I have eaten in along time. Good company I have run into a couple who are part of my new airport friends.

We joke about how as a storyteller this makes a great story..even as it is frustrating. Then the woman asks me if I know Elly Reidy. "Of course I know Elly, the storytelling community in the Phoenix area is pretty small..." but I am happy I don't have to explain the nature of storytelling.

At 1:30 they announce that we are now waiting for the BA plane for that is coming from London. Our plane is taking longer to fix than anticipated so we are going to steal today's plane for yesterday's flight. Today's passengers are screwed!

Eventually we get on the plane...all of us fast friends. We have a smooth flight....UNTIL we are landing. The flight stewards have gone to their landing positions...when an alarm and announcement come over the plane PA system.."Attention, Attention! Place the oxygen masks over your mouth immediately..Attention! Attention, do not panic, there has been a loss of pressure in the cabin..!

The stewards come running through the cabin to assure us that we are fine. (we were only at about 2300ft elevation when this occurred) The Captain came on as well. At this point we were all laughing like loons...the last beautiful straw!

So I am here...I have recovered from Jet Lag and 2 long days at the Airport. Next post will be about the World Cup and a beautiful day at the park!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A New Travel and Story Chapter

Today I am re-activating my blog to document my travels to England.

Last December my sister packed up her family, (brother-in-law, 2 nieces aged 15 and 11, and 2 dogs) and moved to England, near Reading to start a new job. Jennifer (my sister) has always been a traveler and an opportunity to live over seas is one she just couldn't pass up.

So tomorrow it is my turn to fly over and visit. I will be there for a little more than two weeks and I know that there will be great adventures. We plan to site-see around London, go the Harry Potter Studios, and then the final week we are off to Cornwall and a house on the beach.

I will be searching for good sources of folktales, myths and legends of course! So stay tuned!