Monday, May 30, 2011

Ireland Day 1 and PeterMark

After a long flight and bus ride to get here we arrive safely in Croi Oige apartments here in Athlone. Our program Director, Dr. Barry Vaughan, here after referred to as Barry...suggested..nay demanded that we not go off to dreamland..but instead stay up till 10pm to help us defeat the evil Jet Lag. So we set off on a small and unofficial tour of Athlone and the supermarket we use called Tesco. (BTW Tesco is the parent company of Fresh and Easy) Walk was probably a mile and 1/2 and we managed to get a few needed items for the apartment.

Tesco is located in a mall and on the way out I noticed a Salon with an interesting name. "PeterMark"

My storytelling friends all know that a few semesters ago I took Storytelling 2 with Liz. 3 gentleman in the class, Mark C., Mark G. and Peter. Liz' husband is also named Mark. Needless to say, Peter was called Mark for most of the semester and has become his own legend because of this! He signed his papers, Not Mark, and Still not Mark to poke fun at Liz..this is still somewhat of an inside joke for us in the community.

After laughing and taking a picture..I decided that this was a bit of a welcome from Ireland. Sadly I am having technical difficulties and will have post pictures tomorrow.

After a shared cab ride home, it was time to unpack and prepare for a mandatory visit to the Pub per Barry to insure we would not sneak off to sleep. I raised a pint of Guinness and then stumbled home to crash completely!

Tomorrow...Day 2, 3 and 4 with pictures...I promise!

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